
G.Milam App Development Website

After designing and developing the  Android and iOS app titled 'Your Decor®' for G.Milam Marketing & App Development, our next move was to design a mobile responsive website for users to learn more about the app. We created a site that provided details on the apps use, location to download, as well as information on the team behind it.

The result is this simple and engaging custom mobile responsive landing page that drives visitors to either download the app or contact the company to learn more or even purchase a branded copy for themselves.

  • UI/UX
  • Website Design
  • Website Development
Project Details

Desktop Layout

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Find out more about this project and many others by filling out the form below or contact us directly at (479) 202-8634 and we'll be happy to help out in any way we can. Provide a few details about yourself and the project to help us better understand the requirements and we will get in touch right away.