
Odyssey2 The Voice Development Console

In February 2024, a remarkable discovery unfolded quite by chance through an eBay auction: a Magnavox Odyssey2 Voice Module development game console. Initially acquired under the assumption it was a standard game console unit, its true significance as a rare development console gradually came to light in the following days. It is suspected that the original owner was an employee at Magnavox during the 1970s and 80s.

Given its rarity, we decided to create a dedicated website to share detailed information about the Voice Module development console. We meticulously disassembled it, documented every part, and uploaded the dumped EPROMs for the community to access.

The website was built with a great deal of creative freedom, allowing us to experiment with new features and animations, such as fade-outs and rotating product shots, which we don't typically get the chance to implement. This project was a wonderful experience, providing us with valuable insights and a chance to expand our skills.

Launch Project
  • Graphic Design
  • Mobile App Design
  • UI/UX
  • Website Design
  • Website Development
Project Details

Desktop Layout

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