Doc4 worked with Eduardo Mello of Opcode Games, a homebrew video game and gaming peripheral developer, to create a series of video game packaging, manual, and label designs.
OpCode Games specializes in porting games from the wildly popular Microsoft MSX computer system to the ColecoVision. OpCode Games additionally develops retro peripherals, such as the 'ColecoVision MegaCart'.
Together we brought the packaging, manual, and game labels for the Pac-Man Collection to life by initially creating a variety of prototype boxes to house the game cartridge and manual before moving on to the design work. We were also asked to help design and source a silver-coated label for their line of Super Game Modules.
Pac-Man Collection is part of a larger series of games that completely rewrote the narrative for the homebrew game development community from vectorizing the game's artwork, logo, and kanji, to producing a custom high-quality package.
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