
Singer Island Corporate Center (Joomla)

Doc4 provided Singer Island Corporate Center, located in West Palm Beach, Florida with an easy-to-use content management solution built using the Joomla! platform. Our work provided Singer Island Corporate Center with a clean and inviting web design showcasing the center's newly renovated, class "A" office spaces with an easy to use administrative dashboard and content management system.

The key to a 'clean' design is always precision: if there are only a few elements in a particular design, it is crucial that each pixel of every element is perfect. Those outside of the graphic design world are often surprised that a clean, minimalistic design generally requires even more work to develop than a 'busy' one.

  • UI/UX
  • Website Development
Project Details

Desktop Layout

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Find out more about this project and many others by filling out the form below or contact us directly at (479) 202-8634 and we'll be happy to help out in any way we can. Provide a few details about yourself and the project to help us better understand the requirements and we will get in touch right away.